Saturday, March 10, 2012

(Still) Moving on up

More progress on the back extension.  I will spare you the details of the site meeting (the merits of neopor vs. multipor) and give you some pics. The kitchen now has a floor and the beginnings of some walls.  Under the ladder on the left is where the staircase down to the garden will go. 


Here is the view from the kitchen.  Since the window will reach the floor and stretch across almost the whole width of the kitchen, this is pretty much the view as it will be (ok, with a bit of imagination...). 

The back facade is meanwhile looking a bit sad.  With this many holes, it's a wonder it's still holding together.  Next stage is to knock out the doorway and window on the first floor landing, insert the new beams and brick up the spaces around the new window.
 In the meantime, we have literally a cross-section of the house.

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