Monday, March 7, 2011

A Day in the Life

(The Beatles, 1967)

You’ve seen the 2D plans. We now bring you the 3D model, inhabited by little plastic people to bring it all to life.

1. Vues vers le ciel depuis l'entrée. The hallway, with views of the sky.

2. G accueille le visiteur et C ne va pas se casser la figure car il se teint bien à la bibliothèque. Though I should point out that the bookshelves will be strictly a no-sitting zone, not least because that space behind where he is sitting is blocked by a window.

3. Interdiction de s'assoir sur le plan de travail: c'est pas fait pour ça ! The big kitchen space at the back. Imagine a floor-to-ceiling window looking onto the garden. On the right you can see the door way leading to the staircase leading down to the garden.

4. Ca discutaille en bas mais C reste zen, il est au-dessus de tout ça. This is the view from the staircase – with internal windows looking down into the library and kitchen.

5. En remontant après avoir été chercher quelques bières dans la cave... Here you are standing at the top of the stairs to the garden. On the right you see the entrance to the kitchen, and off-stage on the right is the toilet. Front left you just see the stairs going down to the lush green garden. And another internal window with someone sitting on the kitchen top.

6. Le jeu formel des baies rectangulaires. Note the symmetry!

7. Depuis le puits de lumière... This is the view from the skylight looking down onto the kitchen – that’s the library with the darker floor, and the entrance to the garden stairs on the right.

8. La cave de G et la belle fenêtre vers le jardin. This is the room under the kitchen, aka the G’s garden room, for storing tools, over-wintering plants etc. There’ll also be the washing machine, a sink and hanging washing.

9. La pizza-party après les travaux. Another view of people milling about.

Great aren’t they? It’s slowly but surely becoming real.


Liz said...

They are awesome and I want those bookcases ...

KB said...

waouh, ca donne envie!!