Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to Life

Winter is so over.

Just a week ago, the ground was frozen solid. Grey clouds and drizzle are still lingering on, and we are still some way off balmy evenings, but look what we found today...

The clover seeds we scattered over the ground we'd cleared, to provide some green manure. It was done bit too late, more like October than August, so it had just a month to settle in before the big freeze started. So I'm pleased that some of them survived.

The honeysuckle came from one of C's colleague, while the daffodil and crocus bulbs went in last autumn and also seem to be doing what they should.

Mum's Villosa hydrangea is another story. This is what it looked liked in September when it went in.

And this is what it looked like today... rather ravaged by the frost. Maybe it was a bit little to be left out in such a cold winter.

However, I am sure those are new leaves at the end of the branches, admittedly more brown than green, but I'm hopeful...

1 comment:

Liz said...

My tarragon has clearly been growing strong roots over the winter. Last year it was a stringy two-stemmed thing and just last week I saw tiny little buds peeping out from all over the pot.
