Monday, August 29, 2011

Beat it (spiced up remix)

Well, the lion dung and ultra-sonic waves did indeed deter the neighbourhood cats – at least for a few months. But the problem with both those solutions is that they don't last – batteries run out and monthly deliveries of lion dung get expensive. I had hoped that the shitty kitty would have learned to do its business elsewhere (ideally its owner's own garden) but in the last couple of weeks the stinky turds have returned with a vengeance.

Time for another solution, proposed by Rich. Extra hot chilli. It irritates their paws, but doesn't harm other wildlife or plants. And happily it's easily available in large quantities from our exotic corner shop.

After some discussion with the man in the corner shop, we plumped for the extra-hot chilli flakes. Powder would quickly blow away or get washed away in the rain, while the whole chillies would not have such good coverage.

We have given the garden a first generous sprinkling, and now have to wait and see...


Zannie said...

and it has that positive in that the flakes might be food for the birds... the active 'hot' ingredient in chillis evolved to deter mammals from eating the fruit, so the seeds are spread by birds.

erwan said...

Another suggestion: you guys get yourself a cat. it will mark its territory and no other cat will dare staying any longer for unwanted business.
cat poo though doesnt necessarily do bad for your crop (our cat Loig tetu has been mastering the mint production in our terrace,i guess he has his own little secret!!!).

It's us! said...

Nice to see you both here!

Wow, Zan, so does that mean birds don't taste the hotness in chilli? Who knew.

Actually Erwan, we have a bigger plan in the long term, which has more hair, a wagging tail and lots of slobber... (And we have a few cat alergies in the family, including C).

G x

The European Centre for Health and Nature said...

Hi! It is great to find your blog (with help of friend who recommended it)! We are in very similar situation with the house we bought in Brussels on vente publique in end of June 2011. If possible, we would love to contact you for closer discussion. Let us know!