Sunday, January 16, 2011


(Rolling Stones, 1995)

The leaky cornice is now in hand: our new friend André is going to do some provisional fixing to make sure the water goes down the drainpipe, rather than seep into the wall, and to remove any bits which risk falling off of their own accord.
This will also mean that the walls can start to dry out. Which, judging by the various species of mould developing on the wall of the main bathroom – the floor below - is probably not a bad thing.
To help this process along, we have stripped off the wettest parts of the plaster to expose the brick walls underneath and let them dry out.
And while in emergency plaster removing mode, we also pulled down the pieces of plaster which were beginning to crumble off the ceiling above the staircase, making climbing the stairs just a bit too exciting. Yes, fixing the roof is the first thing to be done once the works finally start.
Meanwhile, the power drill ninja was making friends with his new Christmas present, and taking down the kitchen units in the back bedroom.
So that was our Saturday. So much more fun than the January sales...


Rich Wood said...

Love the Power Drill Ninja, but think the hockey mask wearing, stick wielding builder looks more deadly...

It's us! said...

I had to stand back after that pic was taken to dodge the crumbling ceiling... This is definitely more fun than waiting for plans and planning permission.